Antropóloga critica “postura salvadora do feminismo ocidental” e diz que ainda é cedo para saber como o Talibã vai tratar as mulheres – Gênero e Número
A crise no Afeganistão, o Talibã e as possibilidades de análise para além da cacofonia midiática – Fernando Brancoli
O islã e o feminismo não são mutuamente excludentes, e a fé pode ser libertadora – Não me Khalo
As lutas das mulheres afegãs contra o patriarcado, o imperialismo e o capitalismo – Não me Khalo
O desmanche de uma ilusão no Afeganistão – Mathias Alencastro
Como a tomada de Cabul pelo Taleban ameaça mulheres – Nexo jornal
O desespero das meninas afegãs com proibição de escola secundária pelo Talebã – BBC Brasil
Com complacência ocidental, Taleban conversa com rivais enquanto violência emerge no país – Folha de São Paulo
Mídia dos EUA não deu atenção merecida ao Afeganistão até a retirada – Folha de São Paulo
Cabul pode ser a primeira vítima da ordem mundial pós-petróleo – Folha de São Paulo
‘Professores se despedem de alunas’: a angústia das mulheres com a volta do Talebã no Afeganistão – BBC
‘Estou chorando dia e noite’: o drama das afegãs diante do Talebã – BBC
RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover – Rawa
Era of Fear Strikes Again: What future for women after Taliban return? – IDS
Hyperfocusing on Afghan Women and Girls Isn’t the Feminist Take You Think It Is – Bitch Media
The Afghan woman activist still determined to educate girls – openDemocracy
How the West is failing Afghan women under threat – openDemocracy
What’s at stake for Afghan women? – openDemocracy
Women march in Kabul against Pakistan and demanding freedom – Africa News
Is the Taliban’s treatment of women really inspired by Sharia? – AlJazeera
Women’s rights and the US’s ‘civilising’ mission in Afghanistan – AlJazeera
White Feminists Wanted to Invade – The Nation
Don’t use girls as justification for bombing Afghanistan, again – openDemocracy
The US Used Afghan Women to Justify Its War. Now, It’s Leaving Them Behind. – Mother Jones
Monsters, Inc: The Taliban as Empire’s bogeyman – AlJazeera
Afghanistan’s women journalists don’t need saving – they need supporting – openDemocracy
IWMF Calls for Urgent Support of Women Journalists in Afghanistan – IWMF
Afghan Women Protest Against Taliban Restrictions – HRW
Should Anyone Believe Taliban Pledges to Respect Women’s Rights? – HRW
Opinion: Enough with Western hypocrisy over Afghanistan – DW
The plight of women helped justify war in Afghanistan. Now they have been abandoned – The Guardian
‘We see silence filled with fear’: female Afghan journalists plead for help – The Guardian
The Week the Left Stopped Caring About Human Rights – The Atlantic
The Taliban’s return is catastrophic for women – The Atlantic