TAG: marriage laws
Colombia: Constitutional Court Upholds Same-Sex Marriage
The Colombian Constitutional Court ended years of uncertainty for same-sex couples and bolstered the rights of LGBT people when it upheld the validity of same-sex marriage on April 28, 2016, Human Rights Watch said today.
Read moreLet’s be diverse but docile: The “Revolution of joy” has arrived A few reflections on the new Argentinean government’s sexual politics
In an article written for SPW, Alejandra Sardá-Chandiramani, from Akahatá, analyzes the sexual politics scenario after the 2015 elections. In her own words: The open question to be explored is what is the future of sexual and reproductive rights politics in the context of a neoliberal project that will necessarily imply old and new forms […]
Read moreColombia high court rules in favor of same-sex marriage
Colombia’s highest court on Thursday ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry.Colombia’s constitutional court issued its 6-3 ruling nearly nine months after it held a hearing on whether to extend nuptials to gays and lesbians.
Read moreSame-sex Weddings Begin in Greenland Today
Greenland’s same-sex marriage law went into effect today (April 1st). The marriage bill, which is an adoption of Denmark’s matrimonial laws, was passed unanimously by both the Greenlandic Parliament and Danish Parliament. The two-year long journey from the first marriage bill’s submission to marriage equality in Greenland began back in 2014 when the same-sex marriage bill […]
Read moreFirst LGBT member of Guatemala Congress takes office
The first openly LGBT person elected to Guatemala’s Congress took office last week. Sandra Morán, a lesbian woman who is a member of Convergencia, a left-leaning political movement that advocates on behalf of indigenous Guatemalans and other underrepresented groups in the Central American country, was sworn in on Jan. 14.
Read more2015 Sexual Politics Round- Up
As the year heads toward its end, SPW recollects main trends and facts in sexual politics worldwide. January Pope Francis drew global attention after urging the faithful not to reproduce as “rabbits”. The remarks sparked reactions from the most diverse quarters actors (here and here). In Chile, a new law was approved that recognized civil unions […]
Read moreSlovenian voters reject same-sex marriage law
Slovenian voters on Sunday rejected a law that extended marriage rights to same-sex couples.The Associated Press reported that preliminary results indicate that voters by a 63-37 percent margin rejected the statute. “It’s Time for Yes” (Čas je Za in Slovenian), the campaign that that backed the marriage law, thanked its supporters on its Twitter page […]
Read moreReports from Exploring the Continuum between Sexuality and Sexual Violence
Partners for Law in Development have compiled the rich, vibrant discussions from the Roundtable on Exploring the Continuum between Sexuality and Sexual Violence on April 28, 2015, into a series of 4 volumes, representing each of the panels. ‘Critical Reflections‘ brings nuanced perspectives that emerged from the roundtable with the larger movement, to initiate and […]
Read morePuerto Rico court issues historic adoption ruling
A Puerto Rico court on Wednesday ruled for the first time that a same-sex couple can legally adopt a child in the U.S. commonwealth.The Associated Press reported the judge issued the ruling in the case of a woman who had been trying to adopt a girl that her partner had through artificial insemination. The woman […]
Read moreDispatches: Japan’s Evolving Public Debate on LGBT Rights
When a local politician from Tokyo’s Ebisu district last week condemned media coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights issues and called gay people “abnormal” on Twitter, it came as a reminder of times past. It was just five years ago when Tokyo’s governor publicly called gay people “deficient.”
Read moreSame-sex marriage becomes legal in Ireland
Ireland on Monday became the latest country to officially extend marriage rights to same-sex couples.Gays and lesbians as of 2:15 p.m. local time (9:15 a.m. EST) can now apply for marriage licenses. Ireland will also recognize same-sex marriages that were legally performed in other jurisdictions. Gays and lesbians who had previously applied for a civil […]
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Global homocapitalism – Rahul Rao
In this article I ask why leading institutions of global capitalism have begun to take activist stances against homophobia, and why they have done so now. I want to understand the terms on which the figure of the queer has come to be adopted as an object of concern for the development industry.
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