TAG: marriage laws
Child Marriage compilation on October 2017
Turkey introduced a draft bill allowing religious leaders to perform civil marriage ceremonies. Women’s rights activists claim it will only make it harder to monitor the ceremonies in order to prevent child marriages and it will distance Turkey from secularism, while authorities insist the law will be passed. Indian Supreme Court ruled that having sex with a minor, which […]
Read moreSexual Politics in October 2017
October began with the International Day of the Girl on the 11th when the media attention was towards highlighting how access to education, especially in some countries, is one of the main causes of the gender gap between men and women. The occasion has also given space for the circulation of updated information on child marriage. […]
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Sexual Politics in August 2017
Two outstandingly positive news are to be reported in sexual politics worldwide in August 2017. In India, the Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking decision on the right to privacy. In Chile, the Constitutional Court approved a new abortion law that leaves behind the draconian prohibition of pregnancy termination established during the Pinochet dictatorship in the […]
Read moreSexual Politics in July 2017
In July, once again, contradictory trends were registered in the abortion frontline. In Chile, the processing of a bill aimed at legalizing abortion in three cases — when the woman’s life is at risk, when the fetus is non-viable and when a pregnancy results from rape — was halted when the Lower House has not reached […]
Read moreSexual politics in June 2017
June is LGBTIQ Pride month worldwide. This SPW brief highlights events around the world, prioritizing parades and other demonstrations that are not captured by mainstream radars. In that regard, we also recommend the readers who read Spanish to peruse the new blog Orgullos Críticos which examines trends and traps implied in the growing normalization and pinkwashing of pride parades
Read moreSame-sex couples can now marry in Bermuda
Same-sex marriage is now permitted in Bermuda after a gay couple won their legal challenge to tie the knot in the country. Bermudian native Winston Godwin and his Canadian fiancé Greg DeRoche took their case to the Supreme Court, arguing that the country’s Human Rights Act protected their right to marry. And the court decided […]
Read moreSexual Politics in April and May 2017
In April and May, Brazilian crisis has deepened further more, prompting colossal political chaos which reverberated in sexual politics. Sonia Corrêa, SPW co-chair, assess the deep connections within the crisis regarding threats to abortion rights. Celebrations and good news came from around the world. In Bangkok, researchers and activists gathered
Read moreSurvey finds Nigerians increasingly tolerant of Lesbian, gay and bisexual people
LAGOS – The biennial survey poll commissioned by The initiative for Equal Rights and conducted by NOI Polls, to map the perception and awareness of LGBT people amongst the general population in Nigeria indicates that there is increasing social acceptance of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Nigerians, despite continued support for the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, […]
Read moreILGA launches State-Sponsored Homophobia report 2017
The number of countries criminalising consensual, private same-sex sexual activity between adults has decreased to 72, while the variety of law relevant to sexual orientation continues to expand steadily
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Latin America’s Gender Ideology Explosion
While it would be nice to report that the phrase is merely a malapropism, it is a very deliberate concept spawned by conservative religious groups. “Gender ideology” is becoming the catch-all metonym of a growing global movement opposing gender equality, abortion,
Read moreTrump’s victory: a preliminary cartography
From the SPW perspective, Trump arrival to power is just another chapter in a chain of conservative restorations sweeping world politics in recent years of which the demise of the Arab spring in vortex of wars and dictatorship followed by the 2014 election of the BJP in India can be eventually considered the starting points.
Read moreKey Trends and Tensions in sexual politics: a commentary
It also seemed to me that the general mood of pessimism came from the fact that most of the meeting’s participants were not digital natives, not exactly the ”globalized children”. This meant – again, with notable exceptions – that we still saw activism and policy advocacy
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