TAG: intersex rights
Fundamental rights intersex people not respected
Wednesday, 13 May 2015 Yesterday, the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency launched a focus paper on the fundamental rights situation of intersex* people. The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights also published a research paper on human rights and intersex people. Both papers share important conclusions, including the need to break down the discriminatory barriers […]
Read moreGATE comment on Malta Gender Identity Legal Reform
In April, 2015 Malta passed the Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics (GIGESC) Act, which encompasses, in a new and radical combination, legal recognition, protection and anti-discrimination measures. GATE, Global Action for Trans Equality, commented the highly positive meanings of the reform. Read more here.
Read moreWhy I’m Disturbed by Screening for Intersex Traits in Utero
by Claudia Astorino March 11, 2015 – 1:20 pm As an avid proponent of reproductive rights, I strongly feel that safe, legal abortion must be accessible for everyone, including trans* people, gender-nonconforming people, and intersex folks like me. That being said, I’m concerned—disturbed, really—by an increasingly common feature of prenatal care that’s affecting my community: […]
Read moreAdvancing Trans* Movements Worldwide: A Meeting for Funders and Activists Working on Gender Diversity
SPW recommends the report written by activists and funders aimed at supporting better coordination and collaboration on trans and intersex funding. Download it here.
Read more“Torture in Healthcare Settings”
Mauro Cabral shares the compilation ‘Torture in Healthcare Settings’, which reflects on the report of Juan Mendez, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, the first document of its kind to include, in a clear and decisive way, the medical management of intersexuality in its mandate. This is a historical account and not only includes intersex […]
Read morePublic statement by the third international intersex forum
Between 29 November and 1 December 2013, the Third International Intersex Forum, supported by ILGA and ILGA-Europe, took place in Valletta, Malta. This event brought together 34 activists representing 30 intersex organisations from all continents. Click here to read the statement that presents several demands.
Read moreLGBTI persons in detention: addressing prejudices, discrimination and abuses
SPW recommends the document “LGBTI persons deprived of their liberty: a framework for preventive monitoring” because it considers very relevant that the Association for Prevention of Torture and Penal Reform International is not addressing the situation of persons whose sexual orientation and gender expression do not conform with dominant norms in prison systems. On the […]
Read moreAid, resistance and Queer power
Hakima Abbas, the Executive Director of Fahamu Network for Social Justice, wrote for the SPW Newsletter n. 11 the article “Aid, resistance and Queer power”, on the effects of the aid conditionality to the LGBTIQ issues in Africa.
Read moreOperating logic
Read the article “Operating logic”, written by Mauro Ï Cabral, on medical interventions or mutilation in intersex people.
Read moreCouncil of Europe to advance human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons
Read moreIn three steps*
By Mauro ï Cabral (1) 1. Each year, during this week, I write a text that can be short or long, as well as more or less similar to or different from what I had written the year before. The occasion is always the same: February 6th is the International Day of Zero Tolerance against […]
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