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Year: 2017
The Smart Sex Workers’ Guide to the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022: “Investing to End Epidemics” is a resource for sex workers to better understand the purpose and the goals of the Global Fund. This Guide describes the key points of the Global Fund Strategy, looks at what they mean for sex workers, and explores the opportunities for sex work organisations to use the strategy to strengthen sex workers’ capacity to engage in Global Fund processes and influence sex worker programmes funded through the Global Fund.
Contents include:
- Introduction
- What is The Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022 and what is its Purpose?
- Key Elements of the Strategy
- The Strategic Enablers
- Innovating and differentiating along the development continuum
- Supporting mutually accountable partnerships
- Core Objectives of the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022
- Core objective 1: maximise impact against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria
- Core objective 2: promote and protect human rights and gender equality
- Core objective 3: promote and protect human rights and gender equality
- Core objective 4: mobilise increased resources
- Catalytic Investment
You can download this 22 page PDF above. This resource will be available in Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish soon.