US signs the UN GA statement
USA: The Obama administration formally endorsed a U.N. statement calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality
Read morePapers and articles written by our partners
Argentina uncategorized: Debates about human trafficking, prostitution and sex work In this article, Carolina Justo von Lurzer and Santiago Morcillo present the main points debateted during a meeting organized by the Sexualities Studies Group of the Gino Germani Research Institute of the University of Buenos Aires to discuss the public policies related to prostitution. Sexual […]
Read moreLetter from the US: Nature and Bono conspire against sound HIV/AIDS policy
Letter from the US: Nature and Bono conspire against sound HIV/AIDS policy By Melissa Ditmore* Brazil has been an inspiration for me, as an activist focused on sex workers’ rights, because sex workers are genuinely included in your public health measures addressing HIV/AIDS. At home in the US, I was excited about the reauthorization of […]
Read moreA Letter from the Field by Organizations Affected by PEPFAR’s Restrictions
To US Congress Re: PEPFAR January 31, 2008 Dear Member of the US Congress: We are members of non-governmental and community-based organizations from throughout the developing world. We are writing out of concern about the so-called anti-prostitution pledge within the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the ways it affects our work. The […]
Read moreWorking Paper N.1, by Françoise Girard
The SPW report, “Global Implications of U.S. Domestic and International Policies on Sexuality”, written by Françoise Girard, was launched at the San Juan high level meeting (2004) organized by ECLAC.
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