TAG: trans persons

Indian Anti-Traficcking of Persons Bill 2018
The Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, introduced in 2016 by the Minister for Women and Child Development and approved in February 2018 by Prime Minister Modi and the Union Cabinet, was tabled in Congress with the support of sexual trafficking victims in a public letter addressed to female Members of Parliament on July […]
Read moreGATE Publication: Gender is not an illness
December 15, 2017. GATE released the publication Gender is not an illness. How pathologization violates human rights law. This paper was conceived and produced as a contribution to the ongoing process of depathologizing trans and gender diverse people through the reform of classification systems, legal frameworks and social attitudes. It was authored by Sheherezade Kara*, with the contribution […]
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Rio 2016: the “Sexual Games”?
The most commented sport modalities of the Rio Olympics were the gender relations obstacle course competition, racism target shooting and out-of-closet leaping by Fernando Seffner[1] The Rio Olympics were many things, all at once. Records were broken, sports fans became excited, sweat and tears flowed and people celebrated. But these were also games preceded by […]
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Call me Heenam
Moving Walls is an annual documentary photography exhibition produced by the Open Society Foundations Documentary Photography Project. This year exhibitions presents Shahria Sharmin’s portrait series on Bangladeshi hijras—who identify as either “third gender” or transgender. The exhibition is a poetic reflection on their hopes and dreams as they navigate their lives in Bangladesh and India.” This […]
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