TAG: sexual politics
Global Public Health
Global Public Health, a leading peer-reviewed journal distinguished by its global focus and concern for health inequalities and the social and cultural dimensions of health, has dedicated a special supplement to the research that culminated in the publication of SexPolitics. The supplement, entitled The Contested Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, features condensed versions of six of the ten case studies that appear in SexPolitics: Reports from the Front Lines; these include Brazil, India, Peru, South Africa, Vietnam, and the World Bank.
Read moreSPW launches publications during the 11th AWID International Forum
By Marina Maria* The 11th AWID International Forum entitled “Women’s Rights and Development” was held from November 14th to 17th 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa. About two thousand people from all over the world attended the meeting, which was the site of a wide range of activities, such as plenary speeches, workshops, panel sessions, […]
Read moreBrazilian project debates disability and sexuality during IASSCS Conference
By Marina Maria* In the International Conference Dis/organized – Changing bodies, rights and cultures, carried out in June, in Peru, and promoted by the International Association for the Study of the Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), Leandra Migotto Certeza – a Brazilian journalist and human rights activist – received the second place award in the […]
Read moreWorking Paper N.1, by Françoise Girard
The SPW report, “Global Implications of U.S. Domestic and International Policies on Sexuality”, written by Françoise Girard, was launched at the San Juan high level meeting (2004) organized by ECLAC.
Read moreInauguration of e-book SexPolitics – English version
On November 8th, 2007, the Columbia University secretariat of SPW hosted a meeting to officially inaugurate the e-book SexPolitics: Reports from the Front Lines, one of the main achievements of the global policy monitoring project.
Read moreSexuality, Health and Human Rights
The book Sexuality, Health and Human Rights was published by Routledge in August 2008, and written by SPW’s Steering Committee members Sonia Corrêa, Richard Parker and Rosalind Petchesky. This ground breaking work provides a critical analysis of shifting theoretical perspectives and activist strategies regarding sexual politics and their larger geopolitical context in the twenty-first century.
Read moreOur publications
As SPW presents the final publications of the Regional Dialogues on Sexuality and (Geo) Politics, we also recommend as an additional reading (in Spanish and Portuguese) the e-book Sexualidade e Política na América Latina: Histórias, interseções e paradoxos that compiles the debates of the Latin American Regional Dialogue that took place in Rio de Janeiro […]
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