TAG: sexual health

The case of the girl from Espírito Santo: Is this a new turning point in the long journey for abortion rights in Brazil?
by Sonia Corrêa Since 1940, Brazilian law has permitted abortion in cases of rape, and sexual intercourse with persons under 14 years old is automatically defined as rape. In 1999, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s issued the Technical Protocol orienting Care for Victims of Sexual Violence (MoH Protocol), considered by WHO as a main global […]
Read moreWHO Launches groundbreaking report: Sexual health, human rights and the law
The WHO Human Reproduction Program has made public this week (June 15-19th, 2015) a new groundbreaking report titled Sexual Health, Human Rights and Law. The document results from of extensive research and consultation globally over a period of seven years. It establish conceptual references to guide the application of human rights and the the […]
Read more7th Africa Conference on Sexual Rights and Health
Dear Colleague, Join more than 1,000 policymakers, activists and practitioners, including young persons, people living with HIV & AIDS, with disabilities, and LGBQTI persons from Africa and around the world at the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights. The theme of the conference is Realizing Demographic Dividend in Africa: the Critical Importance […]
Read moreLessons From the First Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review: From Commitment to Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) has published a report called: Lessons From the First Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review: From Commitment to Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Click here to read it.
Read moreA Call to Action: Faith for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights Post 2015
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 19 2014 (IPS) – On the eve of a major U.N. special session on population and development, a delegation of religious leaders released a statement calling for action on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. The declaration, issued on the sidelines of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly, urged […]
Read moreGlobal Public Health
Global Public Health, a leading peer-reviewed journal distinguished by its global focus and concern for health inequalities and the social and cultural dimensions of health, has dedicated a special supplement to the research that culminated in the publication of SexPolitics. The supplement, entitled The Contested Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, features condensed versions of six of the ten case studies that appear in SexPolitics: Reports from the Front Lines; these include Brazil, India, Peru, South Africa, Vietnam, and the World Bank.
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