TAG: religious extremism
2015 Sexual Politics Round- Up
As the year heads toward its end, SPW recollects main trends and facts in sexual politics worldwide. January Pope Francis drew global attention after urging the faithful not to reproduce as “rabbits”. The remarks sparked reactions from the most diverse quarters actors (here and here). In Chile, a new law was approved that recognized civil unions […]
Read moreSexual Politics in November 2015
As we were finalizing the compilation of sexual politics related events that make the headlines in November the screens were taken over by the armed attack on the Colorado abortion clinic that killed three people and left many other gravely hurt. There was no time to develop an in depth analysis of this tragic event, […]
Read moreThe Sexual Politics Landscape in October 2015
Check the main facts in October 2015. We highlight the Stop Trans Pathologization Campaign 2015; the Synod on the Family’s final statement; Brazilian feminists protests against partially approved legislation that criminalizes providing information and assistance in regard to abortion; and the Indonesian regressive law against sexual freedom.
Read moreDispatches: The Courage to Combat Indonesia’s Homophobia
Draconian new by-laws came into effect in Indonesia’s Aceh province last week, mandating harsh punishments for gambling and adultery, and the option of 100 lashes for gay people “caught” having sex.
Read moreStruggling for legal abortion in Brazil: The Congress frontline
Image: Barbara Kruger By Sonia Corrêa[1] As previously reported by SPW (here and here) , for some time now, growing obstacles have been impairing any movement forward in the legalization of abortion in Brazil. Yet, despite many regressions and constraints, feminists groups committed to the right to decide continue to bravely resist anti-abortion forces. […]
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The UN Security Council debates gays and ISIS: Why this is a bad idea
By Scott Long I. Questions On August 18, the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL or by its Arabic acronym, Da’ish) assaulted history. They beheaded an 82 year-old archaeologist, the resident expert on the ruins in the occupied city of Palmyra. Two days earlier, on August 16, Syrian government warplanes assaulted daily life; Assad’s pilots bombed a crowded […]
Read moreColonizing African Values: How the U.S. Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa
Uganda’s infamous 2009 Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would institute the death penalty for a new and surreal category of offenses dubbed “aggravated homosexuality,” captured international headlines for months. The human rights community and the Obama administration responded forcefully, the bill was tabled, and the story largely receded from U.S. headlines. But as the Rev. Dr. Kapya […]
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Scott Long: ISIS kills gays: A history of violence
Hands shove them forward, bound and blindfolded. Then comes the step when the stone beneath them stops and nothing is there. The photographs appall but they have the solidity of things you can see; they suggest but cannot summon the feel of one terrifying lurch in darkness when all that’s solid falls away. Death is what happens when […]
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Officials Claim Tunisian Women are Waging a ‘Sexual Jihad’ in Syria, But What’s the Real Story?
“By now you have probably already heard of the harem of Tunisian sex-warrior slaves heading to Syria in order to give up their young bodies to the appetites of deprived rebels to fulfill jihad al-Nikkah — “Sexual Jihad” — and are coming back to the country with bellies full of Jihadi babies. Unfortunately for what seems to be that blind spot people have when it comes to stories on Muslims and sex, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of Tunisian female warriors going to fight a holy sex war.”
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Fundamentalists Ramp Up Attacks on Human Rights Group in El Salvador
by Kathy Bougher September 2, 2014 – 7:24 pm Fundamentalist groups in El Salvador have escalated their media attacks against the “Freedom for the 17” campaign to the level of threats of criminal charges against campaign spokespeople. “Freedom for the 17” works to free from prison 17 women unjustly incarcerated on abortion-related charges. The […]
Read moreThe girls cannot be a “pretext”
The kidnaping of more than 200 girls by the extremist Islamic group Boko Haram in Nigeria has prompted a worldwide campaign for their release, in which figures like Michele Obama and singers and Hollywood celebrities have featured. The international media has made of the kidnaping one key topic, more than often affirming that the the […]
Read moreNot the ‘Illuminati’: How Fundamentalist Christians Are Infiltrating State and Federal Government
An article from RH Reality Check shows how fundamentalist christians are reaching space on US state and federal governmemt. Read here.
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