TAG: political conservatism

Permanent War, Decreasing Popularity: What Will Come Next?
by Fábio Grotz A continuous state of war driven by the government is what drives the speech and activities of actors engaged in the redemptive mission to “transform and purify” Brazil. The electorate, however (with exception of the faithful nucleus of supporters of the current president), seems increasingly to not believe in this revolution that […]
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Sexual politics in Brazil: Almost 180 days into the JMB Administration
With great pleasure, SPW offers an assessment of sexuality and gender politics, including abortion rights, in the first (almost) six months of the Jair Messias Bolsonaro (JMB) government. The essays written by Sonia Corrêa, Fábio Grotz, Rajnia de Vito and Marco Aurélio Prado cover the troubled, cacophonic and warlike Brazilian political landscape, as well as […]
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Human Rights, Gender and Sexuality: A Minister Who Does Not Play Around
by Rajnia de Vito and Marco Aurélio Prado In a political scene that is thoroughly saturated with sex and gender tropes and memes, Damares Alves, head of the new Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, is an icon and spokesperson for the new government’s sexual politics.[i] “Terribly Christian”, as she called herself on January […]
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Pinkwashing: The promised land beyond the rainbow
by Berenice Bento (UnB) At first glance, nothing seems stranger to an LGBTTIQ+ human rights activist than to see fellow activists join the boycott against the Tel Aviv/Israel Pride. This is so because, after all, it is assumed that in Israel as in so many other places on earth, the LGBTTIQ+ population constantly struggle to […]
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Women in the 2018 Brazilian elections: paradoxes and democratic resistance
by Denise Mantovani[1] and Maria Lígia Elias[2] It is not easy to analyze an electoral context in “real time”. But we cannot, however, escape from examining the 2018 Brazilian elections from a feminist gender perspective. This is so because the themes that inhabit the feminist perspective are at the center of an electoral process in which […]
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