TAG: masculinities

Film Commentary Forum: Un Cuento Chino, China in the Global South, and Gender/Sexual Politics
Compiled and edited by Petrus Liu and Lisa Rofel In recent years, China has become the largest South-South cooperation provider and a major investor in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe. While China’s national “going out” policy (中国走出去) and its activities in the global South have been the subject […]
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State of South Africa’s Fathers 2018
A report produced by Sonke Gender Justice and South Africa’s Human Sciences Research Council. Download here. “We need to unpack the term of ‘absent father’ a bit more, because what StatsSA looks at is who is in the home and who is not in the home. We know a number of factors impact on how […]
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Bowling for Parkland: US gun control debate sparked
On Wednesday, February 14, Parkland suffered a violent episode of mass shooting at the Stoneman Douglas High School depicted by 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who was a school’s former student. Carrying a rifle AR-15, the incident caused seventeen people to die and left fifteen injured. However, this episode was the fourteenth mass shooting to happen in […]
Read moreIn The Virile God’s Graveyard
AUGUST 28, 2014 tags: Love Jihad, Narendra Modi, RSS by apoorvanand ( I had spent a week in Gujarat in February-March,2007 and published two reports in TEHELKA. Reproducing the first part to remind myself that it was again in Gujarat where the fear of ‘Love Jihad’ was invented in its present incarnation.) For many Gujaratis, […]
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