TAG: Islamic societies
India Supreme Court Decision on the Right to Privacy: a compilation
The Supreme Court decision expanded the interpretation of the right to privacy to also address cultural diversity, plurality and more importantly, to recognize it as a right that is not merely about being left alone in a private space, but also about the respect to personhood and the ability to decide the course of one’s […]
Read moreSexual Politics in July 2017
In July, once again, contradictory trends were registered in the abortion frontline. In Chile, the processing of a bill aimed at legalizing abortion in three cases — when the woman’s life is at risk, when the fetus is non-viable and when a pregnancy results from rape — was halted when the Lower House has not reached […]
Read moreSexual politics in June 2017
June is LGBTIQ Pride month worldwide. This SPW brief highlights events around the world, prioritizing parades and other demonstrations that are not captured by mainstream radars. In that regard, we also recommend the readers who read Spanish to peruse the new blog Orgullos Críticos which examines trends and traps implied in the growing normalization and pinkwashing of pride parades
Read moreSexual Politics in April and May 2017
In April and May, Brazilian crisis has deepened further more, prompting colossal political chaos which reverberated in sexual politics. Sonia Corrêa, SPW co-chair, assess the deep connections within the crisis regarding threats to abortion rights. Celebrations and good news came from around the world. In Bangkok, researchers and activists gathered
Read moreA Non-believing Muslim’s Experience of Islamophobia
Guest post by SARAH ATHER My life has revolved around the concept of God. I have been a Muslim, a theist, an agnostic and an atheist in all types of phases of my life. I am sure, I am still just growing and my perceptions will mature as I grow. My Muslim identity slowly faded […]
Read morePersecution of gay men in Chechnya: news, statements and analysis
They Have Long Arms and They Can Find Me’: Anti-Gay Purge by Local Authorities in Russia’s Chechen Republic – Human RIghts Watch report News Update: LGBT homicide in Chechnya- Russian LGBT Network End abuse and detention of gay men in Chechnya, UN human rights experts tell Russia – Office of the United Nations High Commissioner […]
Read moreResource: Islamophobia is racism
Resource for Teaching & Learning about anti-Muslim Racism in the United States Home #IslamophobiaIsRacism Syllabus Race, Empire, Islam The Production and Reproduction of Anti-Muslim Racism Anti-Muslim Racism Impact Policing, Security, Surveillance, and Anti-Muslim Racism Resisting Anti-Muslim Racism Further Reading and Resources #IslamophobiaIsRacism Syllabus #IslamophobiaIsRacism Syllabus Preface Inspired by the #FergusonSyllabus, the #StandingRockSyllabus, the #BlackIslamSyllabus and […]
Read moreSexual Politics in March and early April 2017
In March and early April, the abortion frontline in Latin America has been remarkably eventful, in positive ways. In Bolivia, the proposed revision of abortion law, which is part of the broader reform of the country’s Penal Code, ignited an intense public debate. More relevant yet, in El Salvador, where the criminalization of abortion is […]
Read moreSexual Politics in February and early March 2017
There are many events to be reported in regard to abortion rights in February and early March 2017. The most important comes from Brazil where potential regressions on abortion rights have been registered in recent years. A lawsuit was filed at the Supreme Court, on March 7th, by a political party (PSOL) and the feminist […]
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Grada Kilomba: decolonizing thinking, performing knowledge
Grada Kilomba is a Portuguese writer, scholar and artist who enacts and delivers decolonial knowledge by weaving relations between gender, race and class. She is a professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Her work combines a wide range of means — publications, performed lectures and theoretical texts, videos and performances — creating a […]
Read moreQueering Islamophobia – The Homonationalism of the Muslim Ban
As we resist Trump’s potential anti-LGBTQ orders, it’s important to remember that even though Trump is himself transphobic and homophobic, he can get on the side of LGBTQ rights when it’s convenient.
Read moreSexual Politics in January 2017
In January, the first and foremost events to be reported are avalanche of draconian and regressive policy measures adopted in the chaotic first two weeks of the Trump administration. Though buried beneath the impact of outrageous closure of borders and decisions about trade agreements – which are subject to contradictory interpretations — gender and sexuality […]
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