TAG: intersex rights

Sexual Politics in August 2017
Two outstandingly positive news are to be reported in sexual politics worldwide in August 2017. In India, the Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking decision on the right to privacy. In Chile, the Constitutional Court approved a new abortion law that leaves behind the draconian prohibition of pregnancy termination established during the Pinochet dictatorship in the […]
Read moreGhostly Desires: Queer Sexuality and Vernacular Buddhism in Contemporary Thai Cinema
By Arnika Fuhrmann Through an examination of post-1997 Thai cinema and video art Arnika Fuhrmann shows how vernacular Buddhist tenets, stories, and images combine with sexual politics in figuring current struggles over notions of personhood, sexuality, and collective life. The drama, horror, heritage, and experimental art films she analyzes draw on Buddhist-informed conceptions of impermanence and prominently […]
Read moreCommunity Paris Declaration Published – July 2017
“We, Key Affected Populations living with or affected by HIV, proclaim that we are more than just numbers. We have essential needs that must be met equitably. It is time to put an end to our prosecution. We demand full commitment and respect from all the stakeholders we address in this Declaration. The definition of […]
Read moreSexual Politics in July 2017
In July, once again, contradictory trends were registered in the abortion frontline. In Chile, the processing of a bill aimed at legalizing abortion in three cases — when the woman’s life is at risk, when the fetus is non-viable and when a pregnancy results from rape — was halted when the Lower House has not reached […]
Read moreA Tool for Change: Working with the Media on Issues Relating to SOGIESC in Thailand
The research found that LGBTIQ people are often represented in the news media inaccurately, stereotypically, or without a clear understanding of SOGIE. The study recommends that a professional code of conduct on reporting SOGIESC issues be developed. The study was developed in partnership between the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University and UNDP.
Read morePsychology in Russia: State of the Art – Psychology of sexual and gender identity
Psychology of sexual and gender identity Volume 10, Issue 1, 2017 (click here to access it) Certainly, many significant and important strides in achieving equality and rights have been made by LGBT individuals and allies across the globe in the last couple decades. After steady progressive movement, we appear to be in the midst of […]
Read moreRights at risk
The Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs) has launched its first report, Rights at Risk. The report maps a complex global anti-rights lobby targeting various international fora, making connections with national-level agendas, and building increasing alliances across region, religious affiliation, and issues. It reveals an array of evolving strategies and shrewd arguments being used […]
Read moreSexual politics in June 2017
June is LGBTIQ Pride month worldwide. This SPW brief highlights events around the world, prioritizing parades and other demonstrations that are not captured by mainstream radars. In that regard, we also recommend the readers who read Spanish to peruse the new blog Orgullos Críticos which examines trends and traps implied in the growing normalization and pinkwashing of pride parades
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Sexual politics in Ecuador in the 2000’s: a bird’s eye view
By María Amelia Viteri and Gabriel Ocampo. Homosexuality was criminalized in Ecuador until November, 1997[1]. As a result, until then, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons were considered criminals, could face imprisonment and were often tortured and even killed.
Read moreQueer Asia 2017 – Conference Review
By Matthew Waites. The Queer Asia conference has emerged as one of the most fresh and ground breaking conference events in global queer studies. The event is held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, yet the organising team nevertheless managed to bring together presentations
Read moreThe mountain delivered a pope
By João Manuel de Oliveira. The legend says that Portugal is a conservative country with a supposedly glorious past, whenever colonization and its engagement with the slave traffic eliminated from the equation. It is also described as a profoundly religious country, deeply marked by the influence of endemic Catholicism. Sociologists, using an equation
Read moreRainbow Fundraising Western Balkans
Rainbow Fundraising offers LGBTIQ organisations in the Western Balkans a comprehensive training package on resource development and mobilisation. Drawing on our long-term experience of trainings for key people in the global movement for LGBTIQ rights, RFSL has developed a unique curriculum aimed at enhancing organisations’ ability to make the most of existing resources and to […]
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