TAG: HR defenders
Sexual Politics in September 2017
September is the key moment of the year in regard to abortion rights, as the 28th marks the International Safe Abortion Day worldwide. As informed by the International Campaign for Women’s to Safe Abortion, the pre-day bulletin circulated by the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights and other sources in 2017 a much larger number of […]
Read more#IresistWePersist Campaign Toolkit 2017
September 28 has been a regional campaign for the decriminalization of abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean for over twenty years before being taken on by SRHR activists all over the world in 2011. WGNRR undertakes September 28 annual campaigning activities in collaboration with its members, partners, and allies around the world, and as […]
Read moreTanzanian Joint Press Statement: The Right to Freedom of Association Under Threat
The right to freedom of association under threat: 20 arrested in Tanzania for alleged homosexuality 20 September 2017 The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, and Pan Africa International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Association (Pan Africa ILGA) strongly condemn the recent arrest of parents and NGO […]
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Sexual Politics in August 2017
Two outstandingly positive news are to be reported in sexual politics worldwide in August 2017. In India, the Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking decision on the right to privacy. In Chile, the Constitutional Court approved a new abortion law that leaves behind the draconian prohibition of pregnancy termination established during the Pinochet dictatorship in the […]
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What have we learnt and where to now?: The report of the APF-UNDP Conference on Yogyakarta Principles
The report of the APF-UNDP Conference on Yogyakarta Principles: What have we learnt and where to now? held in Bangkok from 25-26 April 2017 has been launched. It is accompanied by a short video of the Conference titled ‘Turning Principles into Passion‘ and by the video then showed ‘Building Partnerships for Equality‘. You cand find all details and resources on the […]
Read moreFarewell: Barbara Hau’ofa
by Seona Smiles. Barbara Hau’ofa was a quiet, modest person who nonetheless justifiably stood out in a crowd. For a start she was extremely tall and slim. As her short chubby friend who was seen constantly in her company on the University of the South Pacific campus, I believe we were nicknamed ‘Bat and Ball’.
Read moreSexual politics in June 2017
June is LGBTIQ Pride month worldwide. This SPW brief highlights events around the world, prioritizing parades and other demonstrations that are not captured by mainstream radars. In that regard, we also recommend the readers who read Spanish to peruse the new blog Orgullos Críticos which examines trends and traps implied in the growing normalization and pinkwashing of pride parades
Read moreSexual Politics in April and May 2017
In April and May, Brazilian crisis has deepened further more, prompting colossal political chaos which reverberated in sexual politics. Sonia Corrêa, SPW co-chair, assess the deep connections within the crisis regarding threats to abortion rights. Celebrations and good news came from around the world. In Bangkok, researchers and activists gathered
Read moreYogakarta Principles: 10 years in analysis
The past ten years have witnessed tremendous advances for HIV and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI) rights globally, including the creation of an Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) mandate at the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights
Read moreCrackdown against women’s rights activists in Jamaica and Uganda
In March and early April, two grave cases of crackdowns against women’s rights activists have been registered worldwide. In Jamaica, activist Latoya Nugent was detained and charged for cybercrime under an anti-terrorist law, an action widely condemned by human rights groups and organizations. In Uganda, the feminist scholar Stella Nyanzi was arrested also on the […]
Read moreSexual Politics in March and early April 2017
In March and early April, the abortion frontline in Latin America has been remarkably eventful, in positive ways. In Bolivia, the proposed revision of abortion law, which is part of the broader reform of the country’s Penal Code, ignited an intense public debate. More relevant yet, in El Salvador, where the criminalization of abortion is […]
Read moreAnnual Report 2016: International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion
In 2016, membership of the Campaign increased by 25% to 1,132 members in 113 countries. We coordinated and promoted the biggest and most influential International Safe Abortion Day on 28 September to date, calling for decriminalisation of abortion, a moratorium on prosecutions, and universal access to safe abortion. We also gathered hundreds of signatures from […]
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