Sexual Politics in late October and November 2016
November began with a resounding shift in global politics: Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. As the reactions flooded through the world media, SPW has developed a preliminary view on what this may imply for sexual politics in the US and beyond and compiled a series of articles written by a wide […]
Read moreTribute to Agniva Lahiri
With great sadness SPW informs about the departure of Agniva Lahiri, a young Indian activist from Kolkata, who was deeply engaged in local and global struggles for trans rights and sexual rights more broadly speaking. Agniva has left us too early and will be deeply missed. We share some tributes in her memory. A Tribute […]
Read moreKey Trends and Tensions in sexual politics: a commentary
It also seemed to me that the general mood of pessimism came from the fact that most of the meeting’s participants were not digital natives, not exactly the ”globalized children”. This meant – again, with notable exceptions – that we still saw activism and policy advocacy
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Criminal laws and sexuality
The problem is ‘criminal law’ by Sonia Corrêa Using media and legal services for the defense of LGBT rights in Mexico by Alejandro Brito Crosstalk: HIV and linking across areas of criminalisation by Susana Fried Shortcomings of Penal Policies in Addressing Sexual Rights Violations A RESURJ policy brief Image: Colateral effect, painting by Rosana Paulino
Read moreCrosstalk: HIV and linking across areas of criminalisation
In a moment of global attacks on civil society, an intersectional approach linking issues across HIV, sexuality, adult consensual sex and bodily integrity is critical. Now, more than ever. Speaking Wall, World AIDS Conference, Durban 2016. Photo: Alice Welbourn. Every international AIDS conference seems to have a theme or two that picks up energy as […]
Read moreNew CHANGE resource on U.S. Foreign Assistance and Female Sex Workers’ Health
CHANGE has released its brand new report “All Women, All Rights, Sex Workers Included: U.S. Foreign Assistance and the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Female Sex Workers.” The report was launched last week before the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. The report is the first of its kind as it reviews the […]
Read moreThere’s an economic cost to homophobia — and the numbers are staggering
DURBAN, South Africa — Homophobia exacts a devastating emotional toll. But according to Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS researcher Erik Lamontagne, discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual communities carries a substantial economic cost, too. A combination of factors, including discriminatory hiring practices, unequal pay and shorter life expectancies, mean LGB people may […]
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Sexual politics in June 2016
The proposal launched in May by the LAC 5 countries for the creation of a Special Mandate on Human Rights and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (reported by SPW) has taken its course. On June 30th at the 32 Session of the UN Human Rights Council a resolution was adopted that establishes the mandate of […]
Read moreMapping & appraisal of HIV prevention and care interventions for men who have sex with men (MSM) in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
This report, by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, summarises the rationale, methods and findings of an in-depth appraisal of targeted HIV prevention and care interventions for men who have sex with men. The appraisal was commissioned in support of a four-country initiative called the Sexual Health and Rights Programme (SHARP), coordinated by the Alliance, which […]
Read moreTelling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus
To the development community on International Day of Action for Women’s Health: don’t curtail our rights by legitimising conservative religious ideologies.
Read moreA call for critical reflection on queer/LGBTIA+ activism in Africa
This essay looks at the complex relationship between the personal and the political in queer/LGBTIA+ organizing in Africa. It considers how current modes of organizing impact the connection between professional activism and grassroots participation and explores some of the consequences of these two intersecting factors for activist praxis.
Read moreImplementing Comprehensive HIV and STI Programmes with Transgender People: Practical Guidance for Collaborative Interventions (the “TRANSIT”)
This tool contains practical advice on implementing HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) programmes with transgender people. It is based on recommendations in the Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations, published in 2014 by the World Health Organization.
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