TAG: discrimination
A call to end all criminal penalties against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity: A historical victory
By Gloria Careaga* In New York City on December 18th, 2008, 66 UN member states joined together for the first time ever to support a declaration that was presented by Argentina to the General Assembly. The declaration upholds “the principle of non-discrimination, which requires that human rights apply equally to every human being regardless of […]
Read moreO caso contra Shahzina Tariq e Shamial Raj por terem casado sendo pessoas do “mesmo sexo” *
Artigo de Nighat Said Khan, feminista do Paquistão, traduzido para português por Sonia Corrêa e Jones Freitas Histórico e detalhes Em setembro de 2006, Shahzina Tariq e Shamial Raj se casaram numa cidade de médio porte, Faisalabad, na província de Punjab. Ambos se conheciam, pois são primos. Como estavam mutuamente comprometidos e determinados a passar […]
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