TAG: conservative politics

The case of the girl from Espírito Santo: Is this a new turning point in the long journey for abortion rights in Brazil?
by Sonia Corrêa Since 1940, Brazilian law has permitted abortion in cases of rape, and sexual intercourse with persons under 14 years old is automatically defined as rape. In 1999, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s issued the Technical Protocol orienting Care for Victims of Sexual Violence (MoH Protocol), considered by WHO as a main global […]
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#NoTenemosMinistra: The crisis in Chile’s Ministry of Women and Gender Equality
by Bárbara Sepúlveda Hales & Lieta Vivaldi Macho The recent appointment of the new Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Macarena Santelices, by President Sebastián Piñera is very worrying and this has been expressed not only by feminist organizations but also by politicians and activists from different sectors. After 54 days without an incumbent […]
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The 2019 election in Uruguay: a new relation of forces
by Santiago Puyol The elections held in Uruguay on Sunday, October 27th, represented the greatest news for the Uruguayan political system fifteen years after the victory of the left-wing coalition Frente Amplio in the 2004 elections. For the first time since its victory, the government party lost Parliamentary majority, registering its lowest vote in the […]
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Uproar and Perversity: Gender and Sexuality in the Vortex of Politics
by Sonia Corrêa A few days before completing the symbolic mark of Jair Messias Bolsonaro’s – or JMB’s – first 100 days of government, consecrated in western democracies as the first moment of fair evaluation for a beginning administration, JMB said that he was not born to be president, but rather to be a military […]
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Permanent War, Decreasing Popularity: What Will Come Next?
by Fábio Grotz A continuous state of war driven by the government is what drives the speech and activities of actors engaged in the redemptive mission to “transform and purify” Brazil. The electorate, however (with exception of the faithful nucleus of supporters of the current president), seems increasingly to not believe in this revolution that […]
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Sexual politics in Brazil: Almost 180 days into the JMB Administration
With great pleasure, SPW offers an assessment of sexuality and gender politics, including abortion rights, in the first (almost) six months of the Jair Messias Bolsonaro (JMB) government. The essays written by Sonia Corrêa, Fábio Grotz, Rajnia de Vito and Marco Aurélio Prado cover the troubled, cacophonic and warlike Brazilian political landscape, as well as […]
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