TAG: anti-abortion

Brazil: New president of the House opens the road for anti-abortion provisions
by Thais Rodrigues and Edson Sardinha* Brazilian conservative and extreme -right parlimentarians are planing to take advantage of the new presidency of the House, MP Arthur Lira (from the Partido Progressista) to push through with their anti-abortion propositions, which had been shelved by the former president, MP Rodrigo Maia (Democratas). Having been supported in his […]
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Analysing the intersection between health emergencies and abortion during Zika in Brazil, El Salvador and Colombia
Journal Social Science & Medicine Volume 270, February 2021 by Clare Wenhama, Camila Abagarob, Amaral Arévaloc, Ernestina Coasta, Sonia Corrêad, Katherine Cuéllare, Tiziana Leonea, Sandra Valongueirob Abstract The Zika outbreak of 2015-7 is a lens to analyse the positioning of abortion within in global health security. The sequelae of the virus almost exclusively affected newborn […]
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Brief note on the politology of a Catholic discourse
by Massimo Prearo* That words such as “revolution”, “change” or “turn” can be attributed to a religious institution like the Catholic Church, or to the words of a pope, says a lot, in my opinion, about the difficulty of placing the politics of gender, sexuality and family in a long-term perspective. This is especially the […]
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The case of the girl from Espírito Santo: Is this a new turning point in the long journey for abortion rights in Brazil?
by Sonia Corrêa Since 1940, Brazilian law has permitted abortion in cases of rape, and sexual intercourse with persons under 14 years old is automatically defined as rape. In 1999, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s issued the Technical Protocol orienting Care for Victims of Sexual Violence (MoH Protocol), considered by WHO as a main global […]
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