The links below give access to academic and civil society institutions engaged on Sexuality Research.
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS)
La Trobe University
215 Franklin Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
T: (+61 3) 9285 5382
The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) is a centre for social research into sexuality, health, and the social dimensions of human relationships.
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center
17 Lawal Street, Off Oweh St
Jibowu, Lagos – Nigeria
Tel: +234 1 7919307
The Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center (ARSRC), established in 2003, is part of a Ford Foundation five-year grant-making initiative, “Global Dialogue of Sexual Health and Well Being” aimed at giving visibility, depth and legitimacy to the field of sexuality. The goal of the ARSRC is to promote more informed and affirming public dialogue on human sexuality and to contribute to positive changes in the emerging field of sexuality in Africa, by creating mechanisms for learning at the regional level.
African Gender Institute
University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
All Africa House, Middle Campus, off Stanley Road, Rondebosch 7700
Tel: +27 (21) 650 2970 | Fax: +27 (21) 650 4840
The broad goals of the African Gender Institute are to: develop theoretical and practical understandings of gender and its importance in the process of social transformation in Africa; develop teaching and research in gender studies so as to advance the pursuit of intellectual excellence at the University of Cape Town and other African educational institutions; facilitate linkages between intellectuals, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners working towards the attainment of gender equity in Africa; strengthen the intellectual and leadership capacity of those working towards the attainment of gender equity in Africa; and build a proactive and responsive knowledge and information base.
Barnard College Center for Research on Women
101 Barnard Hall
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 854-2067
The Center for Research on Women was founded in 1971 as part of Barnard’s longtime commitment to women’s equality and to show Barnard’s enthusiasm for the new women’s movement. The aim of the Center, as articulated by its founding charter, is to assure that women can live and work in dignity, autonomy, and equality.
Columbia University – Institute for Research on Women and Gender
763 Schermerhorn Extension
1200 Amsterdam Avenue
Columbia University MC 5508
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 854-3277
The Institute for Research on Women and Gender is the locus of interdisciplinary feminist scholarship and teaching at Columbia University. Offering an undergraduate degree program in Women’s and Gender Studies, and graduate certification in Feminist Scholarship, the Institute draws its faculty from all disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and provides rigorous training in interdisciplinary practice. Courses survey the history and theory of gender studies, preparing students for professional work or further academic engagement in the field.
Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano (IESSDEH)
Av. Armendariz 445
Lima 18 – Perú
+51 1 2033300 Extension 101
IESSDEH is a unit formed by a multidisciplinary and diverse team that seeks to generate valid knowledge and innovative strategies aiming to influence public and social policy, with an emphasis on the topics of health, sexuality, and human rights; framed by the principles of respect for diversity, gender equity, and social justice, and conducive to sustainable human development.
Instituto de Estudos de Gênero (IEG) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas – 2º Andar
Campus Universitário – Trindade
CEP 88040-970 – Florianópolis – SC
Tel/Fax: 55 (48) 3721-6440
Este instituto pretende dar unidade e visibilidade a um conjunto extenso de pesquisas e atuação em diversas áreas acadêmicas com o objetivo de estreitar os vínculos deste trabalho com os movimentos sociais comprometidos com os direitos das mulheres e a promoção da igualdade de gênero. O IEG/UFSC organiza o Seminário bienal “Fazendo Gênero”, que realiza em 2010 terá nona edição.
Institute for Development Studies (IDS) – Sexuality and Development Program
The IDS is a leading global organisation for research, teaching and communication on international development that for many years has produced a series of analysis and materials on Gender and Development. Since 2005 IDS has started a new line of work on Sexuality and Development.
Latin-American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights
R: São Francisco Xavier, 524, 6º andar, Bl. E
Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil – 20550-013
Tel: (21)2568-0599
The fundamental purpose of the Latin-American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights is to produce, organize, and disseminate knowledge about sexuality from a human-rights perspective, in order to help fight gender inequality and to contribute to the struggle against the discrimination of sexual minorities in the region.
National Sexuality Resource Center
2017 Mission Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, California 94110
tel: (415) 437- 5121
fax: (415) 621-3783
The National Sexuality Resource Center gathers and disseminates the latest accurate information and research on sexual health, education, and rights. Through active outreach to advocates, academics, researchers, policy makers, and diverse communities, NSRC initiates constructive dialogues—both online and face-to-face—on sexuality to promote social justice and improve the quality of life in the United States.
South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre on Sexuality
11 Mathura Road, 1st Floor, Jangpura B
New Delhi 110 014 – India
Tel: 011-5564-2625
The South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre on Sexuality aims to increase knowledge and scholarship on issues of sexuality, sexual health and sexual well being in this region. The Centre serves as a space for activists, advocates, practitioners, and researchers, to better understand, examine, and expand upon the complex issues surrounding debates on sexuality.
Estudos sobre Diversidade Sexual e Religião
Escola de Serviço Social da UFRJ
Av. Pasteur 250, Fundos – Urca
Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brasil
Tel: +55 21 38735380
Fax: +55 21 2542-8184
A temática da “diversidade sexual”, introduzida pelos movimentos sociais do final do século XX, como uma expressão da questão social nas sociedades contemporâneas, tem provocado um (re)posicionamento no âmbito jurídico, científico, religioso, familiar, assim como nas políticas de governo. Nesse sentido, verifica-se uma luta pelo reconhecimento sócio-jurídico das demandas do movimento LGBT e, em especial, pela legitimidade e aceitação social dos integrantes deste movimento em todos os âmbitos da vida social.