Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) launched the Portuguese translation of the IDS Bulletin – Sexuality Matters, on June 10th 2008, in Rio de Janeiro. The publication is entitled Questões de Sexualidade – Ensaios Transculturais and is also being translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi and Spanish. The Arabic and Spanish translations are already available online.
The launching event took place during a SPW planning meeting. Approximately 50 people were there, including researchers and activists who work on gender, sexuality and HIV/AIDS issues, as well as one of the book’s editors, Andrea Cornwall, from the gender program at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex (IDS – UK).
The publication addresses the question of why sexuality matters. The articles, all of which are products of the Realizing Sexual Rights Workshop held at IDS in 2005, provide diverse accounts of how sexual rights have been variously conceptualized and mobilized. The articles also discuss new approaches to implementation.
> Download the English version
> Download the Portuguese version
> Download the Spanish version
Read more about other accomplishments of SPW and IDS
> Development with a body: Sexuality, Human Rights & Development
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