Politicians worry about radicalization at anti-lockdown protests – Deutsche Welle
Tea Party 2.0: What the Reopen Protest have in common with the Tea Party – Right Wing Watch
Trump sides with armed protesters in Michigan: A “very fine people” sequel – Right Wing Watch
Carnivals of the damned: ths US far right fights the lockdown – Red Flag
Far-right extremists hope to incite new civil war amid political chaos of covid – Truth Out
Fascists and the far right see an opportunity in the pandemic – Red Flag
Senegal to ease some coronavirus curbs after protests escalate – Al Jazeera
Death of man after face mask arrest shines light on Mexican police brutality – The Guardian
‘I realised my body was burning’: police brutality in Uganda lockdown – The Guardian
‘People are more scared of hunger’: coronavirus is just one more threat in Nigeria – The Guardian
Two Muslim students face ‘bogus’ charges of inciting Delhi riots – The Guardian
Despite COVID-19 restrictions, Spain’s extreme-right supporters protested in Madrid – Global Voices
Hong Kong
Hong Kongers strive to remember Tiananmen crackdown despite ban on candlelight vigil – Global Voices
Marcha Virtual pela Ciência denuncia boicote do governo brasileiro – Portal Catarinas
Neonazismo, bolsucranização e ex-prostituta e ex-feminista hoje de família – Uol
Por que Sarah Winter do 300 Pelo Brasil é um caso especial no inquérito das fake news – The Intercept
As semelhanças dos “300 do Brasil” com movimentos fascistas europeus – Agência Pública
Tag #SaraWinterNaCadeia bomba nas redes após operação da PF – Revista Fórum
Sara Winter confirma que milícia paramilitar pró-Bolsonaro tem armas em acampamento – Revista Fórum
Sara Winter: ‘Usamos o medo quando uma autoridade comete atos ilegítimos – Veja
Con tanto humo, no se ve el fuego – Pagina 12
La agenda del odio es global – Pagina 12
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