More than just talk: the framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa is a cross-country publication generated by the HIV, [...]Read more
In the Volume Six of The Equal Rights Review, The Equal Rights Trust searches for answers to questions like: If equality is understood as a fundamental human right and a [...]Read more
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Justice: A Comparative Law Casebook, by the International Commission of Jurists is the first book of its kind. It collects and analyzes judicial decisions from [...]Read more
New public health recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners aim to help policymakers and doctors scale up access to treatment and prevention services for HIV and sexually [...]Read more
Read What are the connections? Overview and Literature Review, launched by Sida. This publication illustrates the necessity for economic policies and poverty reduction efforts to take account of sexuality. If [...]Read more
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) launched State-sponsored Homophobia - A world survey of laws criminalising same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults, a research by Eddie [...]Read more
Sylvia Tamale launched the book African Sexualities - A Reader, a groundbreaking volume which provide a critical mapping of African sexualities, informing readers about the plurality and complexities of sexualities [...]Read more
The Queer Bangkok - 21st Century Markets, Media, and Rights, edited by Peter A. Jackson, traces Bangkok's emergence as a central focus of an expanding regional network linking gay, lesbian, [...]Read more
This document, organized by Amnesty International, identifies how the crimes of rape and sexual violence must, as a requirement of its own statute and a matter of international human rights [...]Read more
Lesbian Group Kontra and Iskorak – Group for Promotion and Protection of Different Sexual Orientations have just released the 2010 Annual Report on the Status of Human Rights and Gender [...]Read more
Read Towards a Future Without Fundamentalisms and Feminists on the Frontline: Case Studies of Resisting and Challenging Fundamentalisms, two reports by AWID.Read more
Read Developing sexual health programmes - A framework for action, organized by the World Health Organization, pointing to the importance of programming for sexual health across the five domains of [...]Read more
Read the issue number 6 of the Sexuality, Health and Society - Latin American publication (contents in Spanish, Portuguese and English), published by the Latin American Center on Sexuality and [...]Read more
The issue Struggle for Equality - Sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights in Africa of the publication Perspectives - Political analysis and commentary from Africa, supported by the Heinrich [...]Read more