Sexuality and Human Rights – Discussion Paper
The International Council on Human Rights Policy launchs Sexuality and Human Rights – Discussion Paper, prepared by Alice M. Miller.
Read moreSPW Newsletter n.6 – June, 2009

In this issue learn what SPW has been doing since January, including the Asian Regional Dialogue on Sexuality and Geopolitics, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in April 10-12, 2009, and the web-based survey to evaluate the use and application of the Yogyakarta Principles whithin Brazilian LGBT activists, groups and researchers. Read also about global and local events involving sexuality, politics, as well as recent sexuality/sexual rights advocacy. See what projects and events connect art and sexuality and browse listings of upcoming events, scholarships, job opportunities and publications.
Read morePapers and articles written by our partners
Argentina uncategorized: Debates about human trafficking, prostitution and sex work In this article, Carolina Justo von Lurzer and Santiago Morcillo present the main points debateted during a meeting organized by the Sexualities Studies Group of the Gino Germani Research Institute of the University of Buenos Aires to discuss the public policies related to prostitution. Sexual […]
Read morePapers and articles Written by SPW’s members
Internet Regulation and Sexual Politics in Brazil The issue 55(2) of Development – Citzenship for Change assesses the potential and unpacks the myths around new modalities of mobilization including social media. You also can read Internet Regulation and Sexual Politics in Brazil, written by Sonia Corrêa, SPW Co-chair, and Horacio Sívori and Bruno Zilli, from […]
Read moreRead the third edition of the Knowing Our Rights: Women, family, laws and customs in the Muslim world
Read moreSPW Newsletter N.5 – January, 2009
In this issue we highlight the UN declaration on sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights and the long anticipated end of the Bush Era: Welcome Obama! Other updates, materials and texts are provided in the sections Advocacy: keep an eye and Sexuality in Art. In Check it out, you can find links to job opportunities, scholarships, upcoming events and publications.
Read moreSPW Newsletter, N.4 – September, 2008
In this issue learn what SPW has been doing since April, including the events we organized to coincide with the International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Read also about global and local events involving sexuality, politics, religion and economics, as well as recent sexuality/sexual rights advocacy, in particular at the UN Human Rights Council. See what projects and events connect art and sexuality and browse listings of upcoming events, scholarships, job opportunities and publications.
Read moreSPW Newsletter, N.3 – April, 2008

This issue reports on SPW’s new cycle of work, which will focus on the intersections between sexuality, the state, religion and economy. It also draws attention to recent events that illustrate the relevant and conflictive nature of these intersections, as well as other current debates about sexuality-related issues. You will also find the sections Advocacy: keep an eye out and Sexuality in Art as well as links to job opportunities, scholarships and upcoming events.
Read moreSPW Newsletter, N.2 – Dec, 2007
This issue brings information about the main activities developed by SPW during the last semester as well as the various launchings of Yogyakarta Principles and other debates on sexuality related issues that took places around the world. You will also find the section “Sexuality in Art” and links to job opportunities, scholarships and events we should “keep an eye”.
Read moreSPW Newsletter N.1 – April, 2007
In this issue read the first article of a series produced by SPW about the Pope Benedict XVI visit to Brazil on May 2007 and its implications for national political debates on sexuality and human rights. See also the proposal for the SPW participation at the 6th International Conference organized by International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) and check the suggestions about publications, events and opportunities.
Read moreAsian Dialogue on Sexuality and Geopolitics final report
NEW! The final report of the discussions held at the Asian Dialogue on Sexuality and Geopolitics is already available! Click here to download (PDF).
Read moreLetter from the US: Nature and Bono conspire against sound HIV/AIDS policy
Letter from the US: Nature and Bono conspire against sound HIV/AIDS policy By Melissa Ditmore* Brazil has been an inspiration for me, as an activist focused on sex workers’ rights, because sex workers are genuinely included in your public health measures addressing HIV/AIDS. At home in the US, I was excited about the reauthorization of […]
Read moreHuman Rights Council review process: opportunity to advocate for sexual rights
Since March 15th, 2006, when the resolution creating the Human Rights Council was adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Council have met in four sessions. The 5th session of the HRC will take place from June 11th to 18th, 2007, when it is expected that the ongoing HRC institution building process will be completed.
Read moreOur Publications
In this section, check the analyses and contents that have been produced by SPW in the human rights and sexual and reproductive rights fields, analyzing polices on sexuality and challenges in different contexts around the world. The first material is the e-book “SexPolitics: Reports from the Front Lines”, the outcome of a project launched by […]
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