Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective TABLE OF CASES
This Table of Cases is an online supplement to the book Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies, ed. Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman and Bernard Dickens (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014). This table includes Domestic, Regional and International Jurisprudence mentioned in the book. More information about the book is online here.
Read moreWho’s Modi to discipline us?
Shiv Visvanathan @ShivVisvanathan Narendra Modi’s economic and technological policies might have limited impact despite the presence of stellar experts like Arvind Panagriya, Raghuram Rajan and Arvind Subramanian. If the first year of his regime has created anything it is not a regulation of the economy but a “civics of morality” or even of a preferred […]
Read moreSexuality, Health and Society – Latin American Journal
The articles assembled for this new issue of Sexuality, Health and Society explore, from multiple perspectives and using different methods, the field delineated by the complex implications of the concepts of biopolitics and thanatopolitics. In other words, they focus on the unsettling centrality of death (or of letting die) within the framework of a device […]
Read moreClinical practice handbook for safe abortion, World Health Organization
The Clinical practice handbook for safe abortion care is intended to facilitate the practical application of the clinical recommendations from the second edition of Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems (World Health Organization [WHO] 2012). While legal, regulatory, policy and service -delivery contexts may vary from country to country, the recommendations and […]
Read moreThe sexual politics landscape in July 2015
In July the hottest topic to be reported on is, undoubtedly, the global controversy that emerged when Amnesty International made public a draft policy defining a new line of work aimed at the protection of the human rights of sex workers, to be approved by the forthcoming meeting of its International Council (beginning on August […]
Read more‘I am someone, like everyone else’: A story about a migrant sex worker in Johannesburg, South Africa
Photo: Elsa Oliveira, taken at were Sisonke Sex Worker March, held on March 7, 2013, In Johannesburg A story told by Vanessa Klass1 to Elsa Oliveira It was after I gave birth to my daughter in 1999 that I began to work as a sex worker in Hillbrow 2, an inner-city suburb of Johannesburg. I […]
Read moreSex work and human rights: Under the shadows of (de) regulation
Michelle Agnoletti [1] In July 2015 a heated controversy around sex work and human rights erupted globally. A campaign was launched by international organizations that advocate for the abolition of prostitution to eradicate the trafficking of persons against a new policy, announced by Amnesty International, to support the human rights of people involved in sex […]
Read moreNew issue of African Journal of History and Culture
The issue nº 8 brings articles on religion and development. Click here to access it.
Read moreCritically examining the US Supreme Court decision on same –sex marriage
Of course I cried. I cried because these nine antiquarian arbiters in funeral garb – five of them anyway, each looking about as forward-thinking and progressive as a constipated grandparent – informed me at last that I am part of this Great Community they help to govern.
Read moreScott Long: Gay hanging in Iran: Atrocities and impersonations
Everybody on earth knows that last week a deal on Iran’s nuclear program was announced. Everybody also knows that this apparent step toward peace launched a new stage in an old war: of propaganda.
Read moreColonizing African Values: How the U.S. Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa
Uganda’s infamous 2009 Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would institute the death penalty for a new and surreal category of offenses dubbed “aggravated homosexuality,” captured international headlines for months. The human rights community and the Obama administration responded forcefully, the bill was tabled, and the story largely receded from U.S. headlines. But as the Rev. Dr. Kapya […]
Read moreLesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights in Iran – Analysis from Religious, Social, Legal and Cultural Perspectives
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has released a collection of eight articles that offer innovative and provocative approaches to advance acceptance and improve understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community of Iran. With contributions from prominent international activists, lawyers and scholars from IGLHRC’s second conference held in Düsseldorf, […]
Read moreGay hanging in Iran: Atrocities and impersonations
I. Everybody on earth knows that last week a deal on Iran’s nuclear program was announced. Everybody also knows that this apparent step toward peace launched a new stage in an old war: of propaganda. Proponents praise the possibility of a historic opening. Opponents — who include Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Republican Party — warn […]
Read moreThe Belize Pride Event: the overlapping of LGBT tourism and sexual politics
Gay and lesbian tourism companies have, in the past several years, taken a turn for the calculative. More and more, we are seeing rankings like Spartacus International Gay Guide’s “Gay Travel Index” which purport to determine which countries are the friendliest for gay and lesbian tourists, and which are not.
Read moreThe challenges of a “progressive” Pope
by Juan Marco Vaggione Since his inauguration as the new pontiff, Bergoglio has generated new complexities for those of us who think that it is necessary to dismantle the religious imprints on the ethical and legal regulation of sexual order. The Catholic Church, under the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, has remained […]
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