Relevant meetings_News 6
7th IASSCS Conference
The 7th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), entitled “Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space”, was organized in Hanoi from April 15 to April 18, 2009. The conference welcomed a worldwide audience of over 432 participants from 46 countries, which provided an interesting and diverse space for academic and activist exchange concerning the conference theme.
>> Read the summary prepared by IASSCS team for the SPW’s newsletter n.6.
>> Read the paper Reflexive Research and Sexual Stories, by Natalie Hammond, from the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, based on her presentation at the 7th IASSCS Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, April 2009.
>> Read the impressions on the 7th IASSCS Conference written by Indira Maya Ganesh, an independent researcher from Bombay, India. Her poster “Secret Publics and Subversive Erotics in the Networked Society: A Bombay/Mumbai Story” was one of the awarded during this conference.