Maria José Rosado
Sociologist. Teacher at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She founded the Brazilian NGO Catholics for Free Choice. Her field of interest includes: the intersection of gender and feminist issues with religion; discussions on the place and role of religion in modern democratic societies; and continuities and transformations of Catholicism.
Socióloga. É Professora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Fundou e dirige a ONG Católicas pelo Direito de Decidir. Seus campos de interesse incluem: o cruzamento das questões feministas e de gênero com a religião; as discussões sobre o lugar e o papel das religiões em sociedades modernas e democráticas; permanências e transformações do Catolicismo.
Juan Marco Vaggione
Researcher and Professor at the University of Córdoba (UNC)-CONICET, Argentina. Director of the Program on Sexual and Reproductive Rights of the Faculty of Law and CsSociales (UNC).
Profesor e Investigador de laUniversidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)-CONICET, Argentina. Directordel Programa em Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de La Facultad de Derecho y CsSociales (UNC).
Daniel Jones
Has a PhD in Social Sciences and graduated from the Political Science department at the University of Buenos Aires. He is a researcher at CONICET, based in the Gino Germani Institute (UBA). He joins the Sexualities Studies Group (GES) and national and international projects in the area of Health and Population. He works with issues of sexuality, religion and politics, on which he has published books, articles and book chapters.
Doctor em Ciencias Sociales y Licenciado em Ciencia Política por La Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es investigador del CONICET, con sede enel Instituto Gino Germani (UBA). Participa del Grupo de Estudios sobre Sexualidades (GES) y de proyectos nacionales e internacionales, em el marco del Área de Salud y Población. Trabaja temas de sexualidad, religión y política, sobre los que ha publicado libros, artículos y capítulos de libros.
Diana Maffía
PhD in philosophy (UBA), researcher at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (UBA), professorer of “Epistemology” at The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. From 1998 to 2003, she was Deputy Defender of the People of the City of Buenos Aires, in the area of Human Rights. From 2007 to 2011, she was Deputy of the City of Buenos Aires, and chaired the Equal Opportunities Commission (2007-2009) and the Women, Children, Adolescents and Youth Commissions (2009 to 2011). She is currently the Academic Director of the the City Magistrates of Buenos Aires, where she directs the Gender Observatory and justice.
Doctora em filosofía (UBA), investigadora del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género (UBA), docente de “Gnoseología” em La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. De 1998 a 2003 fue Defensora Adjunta del Pueblo de La Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en la área de Derechos Humanos. De 2007 a 2011 fue Diputada de La Ciudad de Buenos Aires, y presídio lãs comisiones de Igualdad de Oportunidades (2007 a 2009) y Mujer, Infancia, Adolescencia y Juventud (2009 a 2011). Em la actualidad es Consejera Académica Del Consejo de la Magistratura de laCiudad de Buenos Aires, donde dirige el Observatorio de Género em la Justicia.
Edgar González Ruiz
Master in Philosophy, researcher and journalist, specializing in right wing politics in Mexico and Latin America. He has published several books, including: The Last Crusade (2001), The Abascal (2002); Cruces and Shadows (2006) Clergy in arms (2007). In 2005, he was awarded with the José Martí; in 2006, the National Journalism Prize of Mexico. Collaborates with Contralínea.
Maestro em Filosofía. Investigador y periodista, especializado em La derecha política en México y América Latina. Ha publicado vários libros, como: La Última Cruzada (2001); Los Abascal (2002); Cruces y Sombras (2006); El clero en armas (2007). En 2005 obtuvo el Premio José Martí; en 2006, el Premio Nacional de Periodismo, de México. Colabora en Contralínea.