TAG: Indonesia
Activists launched a petition against the Indonesia’s Penal Code reform
“Reject RKUHP that Criminalizes Women, Children, Indigenous Peoples and Marginalized Groups” We are women, housewives, workers, students, students, activists, survivors of sexual violence who have great concerns about the criminalization of citizens’ privacy in discussions of RKUHP sections of ethics in Parliament. One is the article about adultery which extends the notion of adultery from […]
Read moreLGBT Backlash in Indonesia
Last week in Jakarta, I met leaders of the Support Group and Resource Center on Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Indonesia, who were brimming with confidence about their work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
Read moreDispatches: The Courage to Combat Indonesia’s Homophobia
Draconian new by-laws came into effect in Indonesia’s Aceh province last week, mandating harsh punishments for gambling and adultery, and the option of 100 lashes for gay people “caught” having sex.
Read moreThe gay sex worker who defied sharia law in Banda Aceh to organize
Faisal Riza is a national organizer for the Organisasi Perubahan Sosial Indonesia (the Organization for Social Change, or OPSI) — an Indonesian human rights initiative focusing on the welfare of sex workers. Anna Marie Sterling JAKARTA, Indonesia — Faisal Riza started as a sex worker in one of the riskiest possible places for any kind of transgressive behavior: Aceh, a […]
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