TAG: human rights
Human Rights Council review process: opportunity to advocate for sexual rights
Since March 15th, 2006, when the resolution creating the Human Rights Council was adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Council have met in four sessions. The 5th session of the HRC will take place from June 11th to 18th, 2007, when it is expected that the ongoing HRC institution building process will be completed.
Read moreO caso contra Shahzina Tariq e Shamial Raj por terem casado sendo pessoas do “mesmo sexo” *
Artigo de Nighat Said Khan, feminista do Paquistão, traduzido para português por Sonia Corrêa e Jones Freitas Histórico e detalhes Em setembro de 2006, Shahzina Tariq e Shamial Raj se casaram numa cidade de médio porte, Faisalabad, na província de Punjab. Ambos se conheciam, pois são primos. Como estavam mutuamente comprometidos e determinados a passar […]
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Consejo de Derechos Humanos Por Gloria Careaga* Este primer año de trabajo del Consejo de derechos Humanos de la ONU, fue presidido por el embajador mexicano Luis Alfonso de Alba. El Consejo trabajó para alcanzar el acuerdo sobre el texto para realizar la Evaluación Periódica Universal, la revisión del sistema de Procedimientos Especiales, y la […]
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Human Rights Council: the institutional building process By Gloria Careaga* In its first year of existence the Human Rights Council has been presided over by the Mexican Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba. During this period the Council debates have been oriented towards reaching consensus with respect to the following key institutional matters: Universal Periodical Review […]
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Human Rights Council review process: opportunity to advocate for sexual rights Since March 15th, 2006, when the resolution creating the Human Rights Council was adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Council have met in four sessions. The 5th session of the HRC will take place from June 11th to 18th, 2007, when it is […]
Read moreSouth American Regional Consultation on the Right to Health
SPW, ABIA and Conectas Human Rights facilitated a South American Consultation on Right to Health called by Anand Grover, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, March 25th and 26th, in São Paulo, Brazil.
Read moreWorking Paper N.2, by Ignacio Saiz
The SPW report, “Bracting Sexuality: Human Rights and Sexual Orientation”, written by Ignacio Saiz, analizes the recognition of rights realting to sexual orientation within the United Nations human rights system.
Read moreLauching Yogyakarta Principles in Brazil
The Yokyakarta Principles have been translated into Portuguese and were launched in a series of events in Brazil, held in 2007, in Porto Alegre (August 24th), Rio de Janeiro (August 27th), Nova Iguaçu (August, 31st), and São Paulo (August, 31st).
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Sexuality, Health and Human Rights
The book Sexuality, Health and Human Rights was published by Routledge in August 2008, and written by SPW’s Steering Committee members Sonia Corrêa, Richard Parker and Rosalind Petchesky. This ground breaking work provides a critical analysis of shifting theoretical perspectives and activist strategies regarding sexual politics and their larger geopolitical context in the twenty-first century.
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Development with a body: Sexuality, Human Rights & Development
The book Development with a Body, edited by Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Corrêa and Susan Jolly and recently published by Zed Books, offers compelling insights into contemporary challenges and transformative possibilities of the struggle for sexual rights. This is one of the results of the Seminar on Sexuality, Development and Human Rights (April, 2006).
Read moreIDS Bulletin – Sexuality Matters
SPW launched the Portuguese translation of the IDS Bulletin – Sexuality Matters. The publication is entitled Questões de Sexualidade – Ensaios Transculturais and is also being translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi and Spanish. The Arabic and Spanish translations are already available online.
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