TAG: covid-19

One Year of COVID-19: Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic Round-Up
Preliminary comment In 2020, in order to adjust our lenses to COVID-19 world conditions, we suspended our regular monthly announcements and started a series of special editions aimed at situating sexual politics in the pandemic scenario. In this new editorial format, selected materials were organized in relation to the economic dimensions of COVID-19 and the […]
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Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic: July to December 2020
Editors’ Note We apologize to our readers and partners for the delay in making our last Special Issue on Sexual Politics in the Pandemic available. This delay was due to the unexpected compression of time that we have been experiencing in 2020, but also to cases of COVID-19 within the ABIA/SPW team as well as […]
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Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic: May and June 2020
The global scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed since April, but the crisis is still far from over. Only eight countries are listed as having beaten the virus: Iceland, Jordan, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Uruguay, and Vietnam. Transmission curves appear to be decreasing in the more drastically affected countries of Europe. Meanwhile, the […]
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To drink or not to drink – that is not the question: Alcohol consumption in India and South Africa in the time of COVID 19
by Dr. Debjyoti Ghosh* “That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.” ― Charles Bukowski, “Women” For thousands of […]
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Science, political crisis and the lives of people
by Lorena Moraes* Last weekend, the largest Brazilian national survey on Covid-19 suffered resistance in a number of cities, most of them located in the country´s hinterland. The cities selected for the survey are described as “sentinel cities” – i.e., the main urban centers of various sub-regions of the country, according to criteria defined by […]
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The Prostitute, the Virus, and the City
Prostitution Policy Watch, IPPUR, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Authors: Soraya Silveira Simões, Laura Murray, Patrícia de Moura e Silva Toledo, Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette, Ana Paula Silva More than three decades ago, when HIV erupted around the world and AIDS was defined as a “syndrome” (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), the epidemic was classified as […]
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Putas Against COVID-19 in Brazil
Prostitution is recognized as a profession by the Ministry of Labor in Brazil. It is a foundational economy for thousands of families and red light districts in the country. Sex workers, like the majority of autonomous workers, have seen their possibilities for income all but disappear with the coronavirus pandemic. Organizations supporting sex workers in […]
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