TAG: china

Taking Feminist Battle to China’s Streets, and Landing in Jail
By ANDREW JACOBS APRIL 5, 2015 BEIJING — The young Chinese feminists shaved their heads to protest inequality in higher education and stormed men’s restrooms to highlight the indignities women face in their prolonged waits at public toilets. To publicize domestic violence, two prominent activists, Li Tingting and Wei Tingting, put on white wedding gowns, […]
Read moreTake Action on April 12!
In response to An Urgent Calling for Global Action: Protest in Front of Chinese Embassies for Detained Chinese Feminists, we are going to launch a protest at the Mongkok pedestrian zone to demand the immediate release of the Chinese feminists. On 21 March in Hong Kong, we launched a protest to the Liaison Office of […]
Read moreRed Lights Dim in China’s Sin City
Read New York Times article about China’s harshest anti-vice campaign in years and its efects on the economy of Dongguan, a southern city of more than eight million people. Click here.
Read moreChina’s government launches crackdown on prostitution
In mid February, the Chinese government launched a policy offensive against activities deemed as vices such pornography and prostitution. The operation took place in the city of Dongguan and had the support of the official media, which had been broadcasting news on the sex trade in the region for some days before the operation began. […]
Read moreInterview: Cai Yiping and Pei Yuxin
In late September 2011, SPW promoted an Inter-Regional Dialogue about Sexuality and Geopolitics. Cai Yiping, a feminist activist based in Beijing, who is a member of the Executive Committee of DAWN – Development Alternatives with Woman for a New Era, and Pei Yuxin, assistant Professor of the Department of Social Work, Sun Yat-sen University (in Guangzhou) have also participated. They were interviewed by SPW team and shared their knowledge of sexuality research, activism and related public debates in China. Read the interview.
Read moreThe connections between China and the world
SPW: How do you see the connections between China and the rest of the world in terms of sexuality research and activism? Pei: As I see it the connections are very weak China and the international academia. Language is a main problem. I can listen to English and I can talk, but I feel very […]
Read more:: Main challenges for research and activism on sexuality
SPW: What about challenges? Pei, what are the main challenges for research in sexuality in China? What are the main obstacles? What are the opportunities? Pei: I think the most important challenge in terms of research is the difficulty in accessing governmental funding. Today the government has a bulk of resources to support high education. […]
Read more:: Critical sexuality issues in Chinese society
SPW: What do you see as the most critical issues concerning sexuality and sexual rights, broadly speaking, in China today? Pei: As a researcher, I think the most critical issues on sexuality in China are related to how we look at the value of marriage, in a very practical sense. “Marriage” is undergoing much transformation […]
Read moreLaws, policies and politics
2.4 Laws, policies and politics Australia: Australia recognises ‘non-specified’ gender. Read more. USA: A restriction on abortion coverage was added to the health care bill on November 7, 2009. The provision would block the use of federal subsidies for insurance that covers elective abortions. The Obama White House is refusing to weigh in on an […]
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