TAG: Brazil
Abortion and Human Rights: the current Brazilian controversy
Read the article “Abortion and Human Rights: the current Brazilian controversy”, by Sonia Corrêa, on the important setbacks in regard to abortion that Brazil has been experiencing in recent years.
Read moreLatin American Dialogue
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – August 24-26, 2009 Latin America has been a fertile ground for sexual and reproductive rights debates during the last decades, possibly as a result of its political and historical processes. From the Liberation Theology to the economic theories developed from and for the socioeconomic situation of Latin America during authoritative […]
Read moreSPW participates in the research EroTICs
SPW was selected to conduct, in partnership with CLAM – Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights, the investigation of the Brazilian case for the EroTICs: Sexuality and the internet – an exploratory research project, organized by APC.
Read moreBrazilian Resolution
SPW has collaborated with Arc International and Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD) in organizing an international consultation involving LGBT activists, from all over the world, in preparation for the 2004 debates of UN Commission on Human Rights (UN CHR). The consultation took place in Rio, in December 2003, and was documented in a […]
Read moreSpecial Rapporteur on the Right to Health visited Poland and Brazil
Anand Grover, the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (the Right to Health) was in Poland from May 4 to May 12. Before this meeting, Anand Grover also attended a South American Consultation about the Right to Health in São Paulo, Brazil, where he met 40 representatives of civil society organizations from Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Venezuela and Brazil.
Read moreThe abortion front lines – Newsletter n.6
The abortion front lines: Recently in Brazil a scandal came out when a 9 years-old girl was impregnated by his stepfather and then excommunicated by the Olinda’s bishop. Meanwhile, in Nepal the Court orders the State to improve women’s access to abortion. Read more in the SPW’s newsletter n.6.
Read morePapers and articles Written by SPW’s members
Internet Regulation and Sexual Politics in Brazil The issue 55(2) of Development – Citzenship for Change assesses the potential and unpacks the myths around new modalities of mobilization including social media. You also can read Internet Regulation and Sexual Politics in Brazil, written by Sonia Corrêa, SPW Co-chair, and Horacio Sívori and Bruno Zilli, from […]
Read moreBrasil se prepara para a I Conferência Nacional GLBT
Por Marina Maria* Entre 6 e 8 de junho, será realizada no Brasil a I Conferência Nacional GLBT, que estima mobilizar 600 participantes, sendo 60% representantes da sociedade civil organizada e 40% do poder público. Entre os objetivos deste encontro estão propor políticas públicas e elaborar o Plano Nacional de Promoção da Cidadania e Direitos […]
Read moreBrazil prepares for the 1st Brazilian GLBT National Conference
By Marina Maria* The First Brazilian National GLBT Conference will be held in Brasília between June, 6th – 8th, 2008. Roughly 600 participants are expected, 60 percent of them will be civil society representatives and 40 percent will be public servants. The main goals of the conference are: to propose and validate public policies and […]
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Sexuality and Hate Crimes
By Vagner de Almeida * Sexuality and Hate Crimes is a documentary and the first alternative film produced by Director Vagner de Almeida and Richard Parker. Previous films directed by Vagner de Almeida and produced by ABIA, the Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association, include “Cabaret Prevenção” (Prevention Cabaret), “Ritos e Ditos de Jovens Gays” (Rites and […]
Read moreI Conferência Nacional LGBT no Brasil: contextos e análises
Por Marina Maria* A I Conferência Nacional LGBT aconteceu entre 5 e 8 de junho de 2008, em Brasília, capital do Brasil, e reuniu cerca de 1500 participantes, entre ativistas e representantes do Estado e da sociedade civil brasileira e de outros países que trabalham com a temática. O encontro teve como objetivo propor políticas […]
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