Training's Agenda

The Buenos Aires Workshop Program



Day 1 - August 23rd
Starting off

Day 2 - August 24th
Concepts and Methods

Day 3 - August 25th
“Change” Frontlines 

Day 4 - August 26th
Methods + Research change connections

Day 5  - August 27th
Case Studies and Evaluation

Day 6 –
August 28th


9.00 – 11.00

Objectives of the workshop
Program and method (Day by Day)
Introduction of resource persons
The “social contract of the workshop”(basic rules)

Sonia Corrêa
Richard Parker

Sexuality theory, research, methods and change

I) Theories of change & Sexuality
Rosalind Petchesky
Comments: Akshay Khana

Striking down the Sodomy Law in India


Vivek Divan and Akshay Khana

How does research and political change connect in the real world

Dora Barrancos

“Participant cases” exercise continue

from the hotel


Opening of the IASSCS Conference during the Evening


11.00 -11.30

Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break

11.30 -13

Introduction and expectation of participants  (first round)


II) Articulating/translating change into sexuality research.


Rafael de la Dehesa
Comments:  Sonia Corrêa

The Argentinean Gender Identity Law and current international policy debates on trans issues

Mauro Cabral

In light of what has been learned participants will critically revisit how theory, research and change have been or not articulated in their own cases/experiences brought by the trainees.

This exercise will be made in small groups 


“Participant cases” exercise continue

13 -14.30






14.30 -16

Introduction and Expectation of Participants

III) Articulating research methodologies and processes of change

Richard Parker


Reproductive rights and abortion: The US and the Mexican Cases

Rosalind Petchesky
Gloria Careaga

“Participant cases” exercise continue

Plenary presentation of the learning/insights of the small group discussion on how theory/research and change can be articulated on the basis of cases/issues/contexts that have been studied or acted upon by participants.


16.30- 18

Introduction and Expectation of Participants
Final plenary discussion aimed at assessing the learning and outcomes of the day.

Free time

Assessing the learning process on sexuality theory/research and change.  Participant case studies will be analyzed in small groups

Time to breath




 Nights will be free. Cultural activities may be organized with Argentinean partners.  More information will be provided during the training.


Application Form

Restricted Area

Sxpolitics a FW2