The teratology of the contemporary political imagination – plentiful enough: Trump, Le Pen, Salvini, Orbán, Kaczyński, ogres galore – has acquired a new monster. Rising above the ruck, the president-elect of [...]Read more
On February 25th, Michel Forst, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders has delivered his report on the situation of human rights defenders. The report “describes the challenging environments [...]Read more
This map brings together information on laws which affect sex workers through the criminalisation of the sale and purchase of sexual services, and the facilitation, management or organisation of sex work, as well as other [...]Read more
In this special issue of Signs, the contributors address the complex and powerful relationship between gender and the rise of the global Right. This discussion demonstrates how, in transnational terms, [...]Read more
SPW gladly presents the ethnographic research work of Isabela Oliveira Kalil and her team at FESPSP on Bolsonaro and his different types of supporters. These research results are also part [...]Read more
by Berenice Bento (UnB) At first glance, nothing seems stranger to an LGBTTIQ+ human rights activist than to see fellow activists join the boycott against the Tel Aviv/Israel Pride. This [...]Read more
by Isabela Oliveira Kalil[1] An article published by The New York Times, on September 24, examined the Brazilian presidential election scenario and defined Jair Bolsonaro, the leader in the contest [...]Read more
by Denise Mantovani[1] and Maria Lígia Elias[2] It is not easy to analyze an electoral context in “real time”. But we cannot, however, escape from examining the 2018 Brazilian elections from [...]Read more
by Jaime Barrientos Chile began 2018 with a visit from Pope Francis. The country still remembered the one paid by John Paul II who, in the midst of the military [...]Read more
by Angela Freitas Feminists, networks and organizations engaged in the struggle for the right to abortion in Brazil had two months to prepare a mobilization and communication strategy around the [...]Read more
Download Sonia Corrêa’s article on the public hearings for abortion decriminalization in Brazil — a landmark event in the feminist struggle for abortion rights.Read more
José Miguel Nieto Olivar* ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to understand feminine and indigenous forms of agency, especially that of the young women living in a specific Amazonian [...]Read more
by Marco Aurélio Máximo Prado “I contend that these values all derive from important Jewish sources, which is not to say that they are only derived from those sources. But [...]Read more